Sunday, May 29, 2011

1st Sydney User Group Meeting - Wed 25 May 2011

All in all a great meeting. Great to know there are physical people out there happy to sit down face-to-face and chat about Blender and associated things.

Here's my take on how it went, all in blender of course...(expect for the cartoon, that is by Zanetti.

1st Sydney User Group Meeting - my take from p@ddy_anim on Vimeo.

the meeting happened - the first sydney blender user group meeting happend - it was good, and despite the miserable weather, the competing state of origin, and the meeting place not putting Blender on the list, we had a brilliant and informal meeting. Five of us were there.
Waylow, Djinn, Matt, Kris and P@ddy_anim. We like to so much, we;re going to have another one in about six weeks.

aah, the joy of being able to talk and speak out loud about blender with other people and not be looked at funny. Yay...anyway..

also, some points as follows, keeping informal for now.

1. Next meeting in about six weeks,
2. meeting should be on a weekends
3. meeting in facility to allow all ages.
4. where do we have the next Sydney Blender Users Meeting - suggestions anyone?


Blender User Group - Meeting 1

Posts went out to Blender Artist thread three weeks before hand, and finally got ont onto Blendernation with one week to go...